Tuesday 3 November 2015

Not the one but the one!

He's not the guy I'll ever fangirl about.
He's not the one whose text messages set my heart racing and fluttering.
He's not the one who will get me down on my knees at his mere look.
He's not the one for whom I'll spend hours in front of the mirror trying to look perfect.
He's not the one whose photographs will be in my screenshots folder.
He's not the one whose mention will make me roll my eyes in intense pleasure.
He's not the one who is straight out of my fictional novel, all chiseled and perfect with shaped shoulders.
He's not the one who I will dream about.

He's the one with whom I'll build my dreams and bring them to reality
He's the one whose messages would make me happy and loved, his calls would make me feel home.
He's the one whose smile will make me feel contended and whose touch would get me to a different high. He is the one who will never let me down, literally
He's the one to whom I'll literally go to wearing PJs without any makeup and he will hug me and will kiss my forehead and caress my messy hair
He's the one whose photographs would be in almost every place they can be, but his image will be carved in my mind and soul, just like the picture in the locket that would touch my heart
He's the one whose mentions will bring back thousands of memories at once making me feel complete in immense satisfaction
He's the one who has got fluffy arms and similar shoulder, so that I can lay my head on in hard times and it would always comfort me. He is more than fiction. He is a beautiful reality bestowed to me as a blessing in disguise.
 He is the one with whom I'll build my infinities.
 He's the one with whom I'll spend my infinities.

Sunday 1 November 2015

Happiness is?

The real essence of happiness is not rolling in flashy cars and sleeping in branded clothes
Its really in little things
little things like like

When you see food coming to your table!

When you are appreciated by people and you see the shine in your parents eyes!

When your younger sibling says that you have a great role to play in their success!

When you return to your school after Years and your teacher proudly introduces you as her dearest student and 
narrates your story to her class!

When you meet your long lost friend suddenly in a crowded place!

When you look out for your crush and you find him already staring!

The smell of a brand new book you bought by saving money!

The taste of the chocolate cake your best friend makes for you!

When you really feel that you are blessed, to have food to eat, bed to rest on, water to drink, roof on your head, 
people who take care of you, who love you!

Happiness is something that should make you feel glad to be you!

That feeling is happiness!